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Display / Showcase Art & Art Activities on our website

Discover & Share your Creative Potential with ARTinfoINDIA.COM. Associate with us and unlock a world of artistic inspiration. Let your imagination flow and join our vibrant community of art enthusiasts. It’s time to bring your talent to life! Display / Showcase Art Activities, Art, News, and Articles on our website

Pricing for Listing on website https://ArtinfoINDIA.COM

₹ 200 – Art Event/Activity Listing

₹ 275 – Artist Listing and Creation of Name Hyperlink

₹ 175 – Artworks Listing

₹ 250 – Artwork Listing for Sale

₹ 225 – News / Articles Listing (JPG File of Already Published on the pages of News Paper)

₹ 400 – News / Articles Listing (New Article 300-800 words) Please provide us ‘Ready to Publish’ article related to visual arts, It can be announcement, articles, news, reviews on Art, Artists, Art Exhibitions, Art books and Success Stories etc.

₹ 2000 – Basic Social Media Marketing for Artists Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 depending upon the requirements and services the Artist needs.

₹ 4000 – Basic Social Media Marketing for Art Gallery or Art Events Rs. 4000 to Rs. 14000 depending upon the requirements and services needed by the Art Gallery.

₹ 200/- Per Month Package

includes: Artist Name, Year of Born, Current City of Stay, Profile Picture and Brief Profile

Listing of Art Events / Art Activities, Artworks and News / Articles is chargeable with a monthly Maintenance plan as per the details given below

Creation and Maintenance Cost of Artist Page and Art Event Posts

₹ 2000/- Per Year

Package includes: Artist Name, Year of Born, Current City of Stay, Profile Picture and Brief Profile

Benefits of Annual Subscription Package:

1. Free Listing of 12 Artevents
2. Free Listing of 12 Artworks
3. Free Listing of 5 News / Articles

You can pay for all services in the following ways.

UPI id

Mobile No.

Required information for our website

1 Art Activities (Exhibitions, Art fairs, Workshops, etc)

  • Title of the Art Event
  • About the Art Event
  • Participating Artist/s
  • Start Date / End Date (For Public)
  • Venue with complete address
  • Timings for Visitors
  • Appropriate Picture (Invitation, Poster, Catalogue Cover, Artwork or any other)
  • Any other information about Venue, Timings, Opening, etc

2. Art (Paintings, Graphics, Photography, Sculptures, etc.)

  • Title
  • Medium
  • Size
  • Date, Month and Year of Execution (Actual or Approximate)
  • Price

3. News / Articles

  • Title of News or Article
  • 300 to 800 words (Please provide us ‘Ready to Publish’ article related to visual arts, It can be announcements, articles, news, reviews on Art, Artists, Art Exhibitions, Art books and Success Stories etc.)
  • Appropriate images with Caption

4. Artist Profile

  • Year of Born
  • City & State
  • Artist profile picture, while doing painting
  • Brief Profile (100 to 300 words)

Information WhatsApp to 9810234197 or E-Mail to