Nirmal Thakur

Kalabimb ’23

Art & The City 2015 (Exhibition)

MinD-2013-Modernist in Demand (Exhibition)

Contemporary Art Petals 2012 (Exhibition)

I have been quietly working in my way up, since the last eighteen years. Whenever I feel good or bad about the surroundings, I try to portray my feeling on canvas, paper, jute or any suitable surface.
I have always loved lotus for their immense beauty and growth despite their origin. They leave a very good impact on everyone
about their inner peace, purity and never complaining but acknowledging what life can give always depends upon what you can
give of yourself.
I have heard somewhere that talent is inborn and God’s Precious Gift to
everyone, what one does and prove with his or her talent is the return gift to God.This is my little contribution in black & white & colored LOTUS series painted from Heart, dedicated to my favorite Artist always Alive Mr. M.F. Hussain.