Tag: Kishore Shanker

Since after doing my Bachelor degree in Fine Arts from Government College of Arts, Chandigarh in the year 1987-1992, my quench for doing something new has always boosted my zeal to experiment in Printmaking, Photography, Paintings & Computer-Graphics. My experimentation has never intended to play with the soul of original art piece but most of the time it is a contingent result which accrued with innocent effort.
It is an honor to receive appreciations from renowned and legendary artists of India for my experiments in Photo-Graphics and Computer-Graphics.
Besides this my diversified experience in Pre-Press, Designing, Photography for Advertising and Print, Organizing Art Exhibitions, Art Workshops and Art Competitions has added virtue to my hard work which I’ve put in my 30 tears long career so far.

Art Camp & WorkshopHaryana Kala Parishad, Chandigarh

Chitrakala Sadhak Sangam-2016