GENESIS – 17 is an exposition by 19 artists in a manner that traces a timeline of developments in style, themes and schools of what has emerged today as Indian contemporary art, in their visual languages as paintings, sculptures, photographs, and mix media. The participating artists include-
Mr. Aman Anand, Ms. Anita Goyal, Mr. Jagnnath Basu, Ms. Kakoli Sikder, Mr. Mahesh Kumar, Ms. Manju Subberwal, Mr. Mayur Singhal, Mr. Mohd. Danish, Mr. Namish Arora, Mr. Nikesh Sharma, Mr. Nitin Kumar, Ms. Riya Jain, Mr. Shakti Singh Ahlawat, Ms. Shashi Mathur, Ms. Shubhangi Tyagi, Ms. Shweta Malaviya, Ms. Simret Singh, Mr. Vipin Yadav and youngest sensation Ritwik Tanwar
It was conceived with a view, bringing to the audience a collection of paintings which in many ways provide insights into the contemporary arts movement in India today. It can in no way assume to be definitive but an attempt a significant representation.
The striking feature of the works of the nineteen participating artists is the manner in which they straddle diverse cultures whilst still voicing the present context of Indian social, cultural and political life. The canvases provide an introspective and sometimes uneasy glimpse into modern India, yet are collectively global in their presentation. The choice of title for this Exhibition, “Genesis” is a recognition of and respect for the influential antecedents of this genre of art. Clearly, the map has changed as these works demonstrate figurative and abstract, impatient yet unhurried, ancient spirituality fused with modern culture.
It is amazing to discern the similarity of direction of thought of all artists, coming from diverse milieus, diverse backgrounds and professions, but, belonging to the same inner shell of heart to jump into the outer world, with the intention of sharing, discussing and spreading the ideas of growth and evolution with their fellow beings, to be able to lay down stronger building blocks for their future generations…