Battle with Covid

Online Exhibitions

It was not easy, living in the grip of fear for more than a year and then one day the enemy from Wuhan knocked at my door in Gurgaon in the most dreaded second wave.
Gradually showing its symptoms, through fever, cough, loss of sense of smell and taste, Covid made me physically weak. Apart from this trauma of physical agony, it crippled me psychologically.
Being confined to a room without any interaction with anyone, forcing yourself to eat food that was like stuffing mouth with cotton was enough to get into depression. To add to the misery there was not a single day during this illness that did not break the news of some old friends and many well-known associates leaving this planet.
The meaning of this meaningless life was becoming clearer when friends and close relatives thought it to be contagious even to talk on the phone to enquire the well-being.
A very strange kind of headache and unbearable strain on the eyes did not permit me to read or write much. Unable to spend more time on big canvas, I took refuge in my drawings and sketches. To begin with without colours and gradually colours started caressing my imagination.
I poured my heart out and this was an introspection that took me closer to my SELF.
Imagination can take a weird flight and I am still possessed with the expressions of all kinds that are not hesitant to emerge through these sketches. Various phases of my illness are reflected in these sketches and this entire exercise has been extremely therapeutic.