Art Beyond Boundaries

Art Camp & WorkshopArt Events & Activities

Art beyond boundaries is an attempt to promote art, understanding and friendship between the people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. We let artists, representing different forms, cultures and traditions, come under one roof to explore their respective arts and share their valuable thoughts among the visitors. The biggest challenge for artists to set themselves free and explore their art and ideas without considering any boundaries and limitations. TellusArt believes art must be performed and exercise beyond any boundaries and social obligations. Art Beyond Boundaries as an event is such a place where artistic thoughts from all across the globe submerge into one collective effort to bring about change through art.

Fusion of different styles, notions and artistic ideas make this event a vibrant experience. Artists of every caliber bring together the magic of creation and thoughts to create one mesmerizing experience for other artist and visitors alike. Their powerful insights into their personal artworks and suggestions on others makes it a creative amalgamation of creation.

Through this project emerging talent in art world as well as established artists get an opportunity to exhibit their art at one place to cherish. Where senior artists get an opportunity to look closely into the work of upcoming artists, young artists take is an opportunity to work among the stalwarts of the trade.

The Purpose of this project

1. Creating a platform for interaction between artists and common people. Initiating a dialogue among them to make a change in society through art.

2. Building a global network of local/national/international artists, art enthusiasts and people who really wants to make a difference.

3. Building bridges between different cultures to boost global friendship. Making an effort to bringing people closer from different cultural identities.

4. Enhancing awareness about the importance of biodiversity to protect nature. Giving artists a free hand in expressing their concerns about the same.

5. Discussions about the vanishing cultural heritage and ways to protect it at a root level.

2016 March 6-20
2016 March 6-20