The solo show of artist Yamini Mohan from Indriyam Art Gallery, Mattancherry in Kochi, Kerala, comprising a series of charcoal works, was a bridge between the contemporary and the traditional. While her medium was charcoal, a traditional throwback, her forms were present-day ‘layers of male and female relationships’, with impressions of her thoughts on contemporary society, its anxieties, relationships and sexual draws. The show titled ‘Aflame’ on view at the Triveni Art Gallery, New Delhi, evoked much interest among viewers for its personalised angle, depicting in a personal style, through the experiences that a woman faces in life. With her interest in expressing the complexities of feminine existence, the artist has drawn her ideas through numerous strokes of clear outlines, and then completed the dialogue with sinuous lines within the boundaries of her graphic outline, making every line speak about feminine issues, with flair. With a cache of fifty drawings on view, the subject arouses food for thought and a platform for discussion, which has naturally received exhaustive coverage through this exhibition.
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